Monday, January 30, 2012

Tag your it!

Sorry for the formatting. It seems I am having trouble.

Jana from Thinking Out Loud tagged me!

Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create twelve new questions
4. Tag 12 people and link them in your post (I tagged 12 but didn't link to them)
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

My 12 Fun Facts:
1. I could eat 2 medium cheese pizzas in one sitting if I allowed myself.
2. My absolute favorite color is orange and someday I WILL drive an orange car!
3. I got to spend my birthday with my five day (now five month old) nephew! It was his first birthday party... hopefully my last.
4. I had the same initials as my sister until she got married and I say I won't do that to my children but maybe just maybe I will.
5. Last year I dreaded teaching reading. This year is quite the opposite! It is the best!
6. I would love to own a Chick-fil-a or a Dunkin Donuts. However, I would probably eat all the profits.
7. Shopping for books is a blast. I wish I could spend more money.
8. I still have to sleep with a light on.
9. I am a huge perfectionist. However, I wish I never had to clean.
10. I own and have seen all of FRIENDS at least 4 times.
11. I used to want to be a doctor.
12. I am "promised" to a wonderful guy who loves me depsite my quirks.,

12 (well 6) questions from Jana::

1.  Which do you prefer picture books or chapter books as read alouds?
I prefer picture books. I love their reactions to the pictures.
2.  Why did you start blogging?
I have tried before but this time I was determined.
3.  What has been the best moment of this year (school or personal)?
Hearing that I had a brand new nephew or getting my promise ring... it is a toss up.
4.  What do you do to unwind, take a breather, from school-related stuff?
Play RockBand.
5.  Class pet...yes or no? Why or why not?
No. I don't need another thing to stress over.
6.  What advice would you give to a new blogger?
Join Linky Parties and Posts like this! It helps! 

My 12 Questions for you:
1. What is the most dreaded part of your day?
2. What is the one most important lesson you want your students to learn?
3. What is your favorite blogpost?
4. Advice for making a schedule more flexible?
5. What motivates you to make it just one more day?
6. What is your favorite song of all time?
7. What is your favorite center to create?
8. Who is your favorite author and why?
9. Where do you grade your work?
10. What was your favorite teaching methods class?
11. Will you ever get a doctorate? 
12. What is your favorite subject and why?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My First Linky Party!

Happy Dally is having a linky party! I joined for the first time ever! My favorite read aloud book has to be First Day Jitters.  I was just introduced to this book this year and I loved the twist it provided for my students.

However, I have to admit that I love do any read aloud. Right now I am reading through The Berenstain Bears.  My kids love these books. When I am finished reading the book I put it in my "Author Study" bin in my library. They love to read these books any chance they get! 

What do you like to read aloud? 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Totally Time-FOR SALE

I completed my Totally Time unit this morning when I should have been cleaning. Oh well. Here it is:

Click here for 34 pages of time

This unit includes 34 pages of calenders, schedules, elapsed time, and future time. The strategy posters in this unit were inspired by Marisa at First Grade Glitter and Giggles! I cannot wait to use them in my classroom. I am currently teaching time and my kids can use all of the reminders they can get! 

Now I am off to enjoy the rest of my weekend with a little Felicity on Netflix in the background! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life Under the Big Top

Over the last few days I have realized that my life has become a large balancing act. I feel as though I am preforming show after show under the Big Top. Here are some of the acts I have been preforming:
1. BLOG CONSTRUCTION: As you can see I have decided to makeover my blog. I still need to create a new button and make a couple of tweaks and I am not sure if I like it or not... all feedback is welcome!

2. COMING SOON: Totally Time!

I am working on a new unit for my TPT Store on Time. I am supposed to be working on more phonics units for my megapack but that can wait... I was inspired by another act I am preforming.

3. LESSON PLANS: We are in our 20th week of school and I am trying to stay ahead as much as possible. How? By lesson planning as much as possible.. I currently have reading and math  completed to the end of February. I keep telling myself that I am already half way done the year with them and the more I can get done at a time the better! (I will let you know how my progress is) Why am I doing this you ask? That takes me to my last act...

4. STARTING SOON: Graduate School! I got accepted to Walden University for my Masters of Science and I cannot wait! However, that means I need to do as much as possible and NOW.

As for now my Big Top is closed and I am going to shower and go to sleep.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New! My Reorganized Library

This year I have leveled all of my books and am continuing to add books and books and books. My students love it and I am so glad. Here are some pictures. I apologize for the quality. I was having trouble getting my flash to work on my iPhone.

I have found the buying books in the dollar section at Target, at the Dollar Store, and through Scholastic is the cheapest way to find books. My parents also have an amazing friend who goes to yard sales and finds wonderful deals. It is my goal to have books for each letter of the alphabet and to place them in folding red crates from the dollar store!

How do you use your library and find your books?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Now Featuring: Short Vowel Unit

35 pages of short vowel practice and assessment! I have finally put the finishing touches on my short vowel unit. Even though my students are already pretty great with short vowels I cannot wait to use some of these activities with them throughout the rest of the year to review.

Click Here to purchase this product.
Unfortunately, my blog post for tonight is advertising and no cute pictures of my nephew. Hopefully, next time I will have a picture of two of my newly revamped classroom library and perhaps even a preview of the long vowel unit I intend on making. (Depends on how much of a balancing act my life becomes!) 

I am off to get a wonderful night of sleep before FRIDAY and Chick-fil-a Lunch. What motivates you through the week? Me, it's eating Chick-fil-a with my kiddos on Friday. Doesn't take much! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Coming Soon: Short Vowels

Over my two week long Christmas Break, I was fortunate to be able to babysit my adorable nephew! He is now 4 months old and acts older. He spent his days playing in his saucer and even trying to hold his own bottle. He was enjoying spending time watching tv and even got upset with me when I accidentally blocked his view. He is turning into quite the character, and I must admit that it was a pleasure spending time alone with him and bonding. He has been working on rolling and even is starting to laugh and giggle. It was an honor to babysit even though I was named Crazy Aunt Krystal.

On the flipside, once my sweet little nephew tuckered himself out from playing, giggling and watching the world, I was able to watch him take a nice cozy nap and get some work down. I began working on a new unit. So far in my class we have focused a lot on vowels in our phonetic work. I decided why not make a vowel unit... I started with the easiest.... SHORT vowels.

With hope this Short Vowel Unit is going to part of a larger vowel unit that will become available for sale on my TPT Store. I am not quite finished with this unit but until then here is a sneak peek of what the unit will contain:

I have made two games, a center activity, one worksheet, and fluency practice with short vowels.  Keep an eye out for this unit to be finished... that is if I stop tackling 15 projects a day ( i.e., getting two weeks ahead on lesson plans, a diet, reorganizing my organized closet, and even redoing my classroom library... pics to come soon).

Oh and in case I forgot... I am now wearing a ring that holds the promise of marriage to the most wonderful man... no NOT an engagement ring.... well not yet.