Sunday, November 4, 2012

Where Is the Time?

Do you ever feel that you are running out of time? You have a to-do list that grows and grows and grows. I dream of the day where I become the teacher that has everything planned and does not have anything new to create. (Unfortunately, that will never happen.) When I start one project, my mind goes a mile a minute and I think about 20 other projects. Balancing teaching and graduate school keeps me busy and never seem to find a way to get ahead of the game. I got lucky and had two days off school last week, but did that help... NO! Why? Because I kept taking on more projects... They never stopped.

However, I have three things that I was able to finish with some extra time and the start of my fifth class.

The first project I tackled was a basic Weather Journal. For one week, student's have to observe the weather, temperature, and clouds. You can grab this freebie at my store, just click the first image below.
Click here

The borders came from Graphics From the Pond and the fonts came from (I forgot to include a page with these credits.... SORRY!)
The second project I created were literature circles. I am getting ready to teach my students how to use them this coming week, and will post a specific blog next week! You can grab this mini unit for just $1.00 at my store also!
Click here to purchase this mini unit!
The third project that I created was a reusable Story Map. I was inspired by many Pinterest users. I will post a picture once it is laminated! I plan on using it with my literature circle groups! 

After I took a break from assignments, I am back to them.... I love my class (despite the countless hours of work).


  1. I feel you . . . I have absolutely NO time! If anyone ever invents a time freeze button it will definitely be a teacher! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Second Grade Freebies

  2. Casey,
    I will pay you to invent one that is how badly I need. My poor house just sits and doesn't get any affection either. Tonight I gave it a little. The sink is smiling, but I didn't finish all the other projects I started.
